We will Catch You

Inspired by the Mystery

I am drawn to the mystery of ancient places, of trickster tales, and stories passed down through time. Creation myths, hero’s tales, gods, and goddesses are archetypes drawn from the well of human experience. We recognize our own stories there.

When I consider what kind of myths I want to tell  I think about what we need to hear to inspire people. We need the power of animals and humans living together, even merging spirits. We need more stories of whole and strong women. We need the impossible and the magical to give us hope. We need to see the connections in life and the shifting perspective of things that are one thing and then another.

It is a great gift to be able to magically manifest my ideas into the world through my art. I hope my stories, characters and creations will connect with you on deeper, intuitive levels. May you experience the Spirit within all acts of creation.


Raven at Home

Art at the Source

June 7, 8 and 14, 15, 2025
Saturday and Sunday 10-5
11214 Occidental Rd, Sebastopol

Its all about the Ravens this year! Adding to my cast of characters is “Raven at Home” who kindly invites you in for a cuppa tea.

I invite you to my beautiful studio in the redwoods, and this year I have a guest artist. Carol Andrews paints bold, gestural trees that invoke their spirits. She will be presenting in the redwood fairy ring outside my studio. You can catch a printing demonstration at noon and fully appreciate all the labor that goes into a limited edition print, and Carol’s demo is at 12:30.

I finished my edition of “Raven Gathers with Friends” and these are the last five unique prints available. It is an etching with image transfer that is different in each one. The ideas shown are variations and diagram of nature, the Fibonacci spiral and geometric patterns that underlay of life forms. Scroll through to see all the variations.

Raven Gathers with Friends 20
Raven Gathers with Friends 21
Raven Gathers with Friends 22
Raven Gathers with Friends 23
Raven Gathers with Friends 24
Raven Gathers with Friends 25
Raven Gathers with Friends 20
Raven Gathers with Friends 21
Raven Gathers with Friends 22
Raven Gathers with Friends 23
Raven Gathers with Friends 24
Raven Gathers with Friends 25
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Original Fine Art, Limited Edition Etchings

Contact Caren Catterall to purchase one of these collectible fine art works on paper.
You deserve to have beauty and inspiration in your life!